ACTIVE RECOVERY: Jordyn Albritton
"At the end of the day, any part of my story that I can share to help someone not have to go through what I went through is worth it for me."
I met Jordyn at a WOLACO Wednesday workout last February. I was running late because I had slept through my alarm. I hadn't even put in my contacts yet when I was partnered with Jordyn for class. Already feeling tired because of the early 6 AM wake-up call, as soon as the instructor yelled "burpees!", I started to slow down. Seeing this, Jordyn took a quick break in between reps and gave me a fist bump. I could barely make out her smile between my blurry vision, but I remember feeling grateful for this stranger's encouragement during that moment. Little did I know, that stranger would end up becoming a great friend.
Jordyn Albritton found out about WOLACO in the most organic way possible. She noticed our gear on Instagram through the male trainers she follows, searched us on Google and then signed up for WOLACO Wednesday. She didn’t know anyone who worked for WOLACO, she didn’t come with friends, and she wasn’t even a customer at that point. She’s probably the most relatable woman we’ve interviewed so far because while she has an impressive list of accomplishments, she’s still figuring her life out like the rest of us.
For a while after college, she worked in the fashion industry and had her sights set on being a fashion blogger. But growing up as a soccer player, she's always valued an active lifestyle. Back in her high school and college days, she suffered multiple injuries and her physical struggles started to spiral into larger health issues. Her Instagram account, @sweatmogul, is her space to talk openly about her eating and exercising challenges to encourage those that are also struggling to know they are not alone. Partially fueled by her experience, she just left her job as a strategist for Paper Magazine (if you’re not familiar, just Google Kim Kardashian Paper Magazine cover) to pursue her new dream of becoming a personal trainer. Fresh off passing her NASM CPT, she’s incredibly determined. Even if she’s not quite sure what for yet.
My active Way of Life is through movement & being outdoors as much as possible.
What time do you wake up in the morning? 7:00 am.
What gets you out of bed in the morning? Needing to make it to Equinox before work to mentally prepare for the day… If I don't go or get to go for a walk or get at least 45 minutes of some movement in before sitting at a desk, I’m anxious all day.
Do you have any routines? And if so, what is your favorite? Hmm.. a couple!
A more recent fav is I’ll light a candle before bed. I always have this lemon ginger concoction I home-make or chamomile tea, and I’ll either journal or sketch in my sketchbook for 10-15 mins before bed. Very relaxing.
In the morning you can find me at Equinox before work stretching, foam rolling, or in yoga to wake up my brain, but I typically do my real workout in the evening.
At night you can find me at Equinox doing my actual workout or handstand practice unwinding from the day.
Best workout you’ve ever had? Depends on what the training goal is… My best conditioning or endurance workouts were either at EVF, Tone House, or Title Boxing with Michael Tosto. For yoga, Hot Athletic with Serena Tom.
What’s a goal you would set for yourself tomorrow? Get an actionable plan in place for my next career or life steps.
What was your last “epiphany” or moment of realizing something impactful to you? I've been going through a quarter-life crisis pretty bad, so I feel like I have these moments all the time, but more recently, I’ve realized that we have to put all the fear behind us. If our dreams don’t scare us, they aren't big enough.
What’s one way you like to care for yourself? All the (too expensive) supplements... But health is wealth, right?
WOLACO WOMEN: You defined your active way of life as being through movement and being outdoors as much as possible. Living in a city, how do you make the most of your outdoors time?
Jordyn Albritton: I walk literally everywhere, almost, as long as it’s under an hour to get there and not winter. I’ve been trying to keep my phone in my bag as much as possible when walking, so I can actually take in what’s around me and look up from a phone or computer screen.
WW: You moved to NYC to become a fashion blogger, but you grew up as a competitive soccer player, so I’m not surprised your path led you back to fitness. What originally sparked your interest in being a fashion blogger, and what did you learn about yourself that ultimately led you to not continue with that path?
JA: I’ve always had a love for fashion since I was young and thought I wanted to be a designer or fashion photographer for the longest time – I’ve always been drawn to and had an appreciation for aesthetic and self-expression through individual style. I still love fashion but working in the industry the ways in which I have made me love it less… And trying to be a fashion blogger wasn’t fulfilling, and honestly, my job was so insane-- I’d always be running late to work because I was working out, and I never looked cute anyways.
WW: How do you add balance to the physical work in your life? What do you do when you’re not being active?
JA: I love painting, sketching and crafting – huge mental releases for me and help me de-stress, yet I still feel productive. Also, time with my friends is essential to me. I love being around and meeting new people, it helps energize me.
WW: So many people have a hard time talking about their health issues openly, but you’ve embraced it. How did you navigate how and when to share your health and fitness battles in a way that was positive for you?
JA: It took me quite a long time to be able to open up and talk about my experience with eating disorders and exercise addiction but growing up it was something I saw many of my close friends struggle with as well. When I finally was able to come to grips and talk about it with other people it was almost overwhelming how many other women and even men had similar struggles but felt like they were the only one. I try not to make any content so focused on body image and embrace and emphasize actually listening to our bodies, body positivity and appreciation, and food as fuel, not the enemy. At the end of the day, any part of my story that I can share to help someone not have to go through what I went through is worth it for me.
WW: How did you become aware that your habits were becoming a problem? Did you have someone who supported you getting help?
JA: I was in self-denial for the longest time about everything – barely eating and only counting my runs as workouts if they were more than five miles. I was averaging more than 55 miles a week, and I put running/ my workouts before everything. I was a sophomore in college at the time and having a very hard time making it through my classes because I had absolutely no energy. My parents made me go to this clinic the summer I was home before going abroad my Junior year, and the doctors there told my parents they needed to take me out of school due to my condition. I was kind of forced to turn things around then because there was no way I was missing school. I actually still didn’t think I had an issue and thought the doctors were being dramatic.
At the end of the day, any part of my story that I can share to help someone not have to go through what I went through is worth it for me.
WW: What surprises you most about where you are in your life right now? Good or bad?
JA: Life definitely didn't go as planned or how I thought it was going to go when I made the “where do you want to be” 5-year plan for my life in college… I guess I still have one year to get a little closer to my goals.
WW: Recently, you left your job at Paper magazine, and you became a certified personal trainer. For our readers out there that are also considering new opportunities, what was the defining moment that gave you the confidence to make this move?
JA: It took me so long to finally take this leap of faith. I knew I loved fitness but it never really hit me as something I should look into until about a year ago – since I had always loved and wanted to be in the crazy fashion scene. My defining moments occurred within this last year after I was kind of realizing how I would feel when I would wake up, at work, and at the end of the day Monday through Friday. I just didn’t feel like myself, like I was trapped in a box almost because my body was one place, but my mind was somewhere else completely daydreaming about a totally different career path.
WW: Since you like to plan, on this day next year, where do you hope to see yourself?
JA: Doing something I love and care about, that gives me a sense of fulfillment and that is helping others and creating a community where people feel welcome.
Interview by: Linley Shaw